2015 Ukraine and Russia negotiate a ceasefire with the support of Germany and France; the agreement calls for an end to fighting, removal of large artillery from the sites of conflict, and greater independence for eastern Ukraine 2014 Twenty-eight years after Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos was ousted, the Philippine government recovers $29 million from Swiss accounts, bringing the total Marcos' secret accounts now recovered and in government hands to $712 million At Sochi, Russians Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov win the gold medal in pairs figure skating; the couple is the first to win on home ice since Ernst Baier and Maxi Herber won in 1936 2013 The International Olympic Committee announces that the sport of wrestling has been dropped from the 2020 Summer Olympics In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the governor of the Riyadh Province, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, member of the House of Saud, dies at age 72 2012 Los Angeles, California's Staples Center hosts the 54th Grammy Awards At the Grammy Awards, Adele, a British singer, wins awards for the Song of the Year, Record of the Year and Album of the Year 2011 Inspired by the 2011 Egyptian Revolution, nearly 5,000 of Algerians protest their regime, calling for President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to be removed Anti-government protesters in Yemen call for President Ali Abdullah Saleh to step down from his regime; Ali has ruled the country since 1978 2010 Houthi fighters and the Yemeni government declare a ceasefire in northern Yemen 2002 Iran Air Tours flight 956 crashes into a mountain in Iran killing 119 1999 Senate acquits President Clinton of lying under oath and obstruction of justice in the Lewinski case 1998 "Freak," opens at Cort Theater New York City 250-car Italy pile-up due to fog, 4 die and 50 hurt Dallas Cowboys sign Chan Gailey as their 4th head coach Intel unveils its 1st graphics chip i740 U.S. district judge T. Hogan declares line-item veto law unconstitutional 1997 Fred Goldman says he will settle for a signed murder confession from O. J. Simpson in lieu of his $20.5 million judgement 1995 45th NBA All-Star Game: West beats East 139-112 at Phoenix Angela Kennedy swims woman's world record 50m butterfly Bonnie Blair skates female world record 500m (38.69 sec) Dieter Baumann runs European record 3k indoor (7:37.51) Jeff Rouse swims world record 50m backstroke (24.37 sec) Moses Kiptanui runs world record 3k indoor (7:35.15) PRI loses/PAN wins Mexican regional elections Sun Cayun pole vaults indoor female world record (4.13m) Susan Auch skates female world record 500m (38.94 sec) 1994 17th Winter Olympic games opens in Lillehammer, Norway 20th century premiere of 6 restored Haydn-sonatas in Boston Edvard Munch's painting "The Cry" stolen (in Oslo) Inna Lassovskaya jumps world record 14.90m Model Anna Nicole Smith hospitalized for drug overdose 1991 Iceland recognizes Lithuania's independence North and South Korea form a joint team for table tennis competition 1989 39th NBA All-Star Game: West beats East 143-134 at Houston 5 Pakistani Moslem rioters killed protesting "Satanic Verses" novel 50th PGA Seniors Golf Championship: Larry Mowry Barbara Harris becomes 1st female bishop of a U.S. Episcopal church Gretzky sets 2 records, his 45th hat trick and 10th 40+ goal season Thursday's Child sets sailing record, New York-Cape Horn-SF, 80 d 20 h U.S. Male Figure Skating championship won by Christopher Bowman 1986 1st-class cricket debut of Curtly Ambrose, Leeward Is vs. Guyana 1985 37th NHL All-Star Game: Wales beat Campbell 6-4 at Calgary West Indies beat Australia 2-1 to win cricket World Series Cup 1984 Alice Miller wins LPGA Sarasota Golf Classic Cale Yarborough, becomes 1st Daytona 500 qualifier, above 200 MPH Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean skate "Bolero" at Olympics West Indies beat Australia 2-0-1 to win cricket World Series Cup receiving all perfect scores for quality and gold medal 1982 U.S. performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site Wayne Gretzky scores 153rd point of season, tieing NHL record 1981 Admiral Bobby R. Inman, USN, becomes deputy director of CIA Arbitrator Goetz declares Red Sox catcher Carlton Fisk a free agent Cape Verde amends its constitution Pete Squires sets record for 1575 steps of Empire State Building, 10m 1980 "Canterbury Tales" opens at Rialto Theater New York City for 16 performances New York Islanders 2nd scoreless tie, vs. Winnipeg Jets Richard Hadlee becomes New Zealand's top wicket-taker with 117 1979 Kosmos 1076, 1st Soviet oceanographic satellite, launched 1978 "Jesus Christ Superstar" closes at Longacre Theater New York City after 96 performances Debbie Austin wins LPGA American Cancer Society Golf Classic U.S. Female Figure Skating championship won by Linda Fratianne U.S. Male Figure Skating championship won by Charles Tickner 1977 Toronto Maple Leafs shutout Washington Capitals 10-0 1976 U.S. performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site 1973 1st U.S. POWs in North Vietnam released; 116 of 456 flown to Philippine 1971 Only Test Cricket for Ken Eastwood, who scored 5 and 0 Australia vs. England 1970 Anthony Shaffers "Sleuth," premieres in New York City 1967 Kees Verkerk becomes world champ all round skater Keith Richards, Mick Jagger and Marianne Faithful busted for drugs 1965 KHFI (now KBVO) TV channel 42 in Austin, Texas (NBC) begins broadcasting Nuclear test at Pacific Ocean 1964 Beatles 1st New York City concert at Carnegie Hall End of Richie Benaud's 63-Test Cricket career U.S. Female Figure Skating championship won by Peggy Fleming U.S. Male Figure Skating championship won by Scott Allen 1963 Argentina asks extraditon of ex-president Peron 1962 Bus boycott starts in Macon, Georgia 1961 Celtic Bill Russell grabs 40 rebounds to beat Warriors 136-125 Mickey Wright wins LPGA St. Petersburg Golf Open Mushtaq Mohammad scores 1st Test Cricket century at 17 years 82 days U.S.S.R. launches Venera 1 toward Venus 1960 Chinese army kills 12 Indian soldiers 1958 Celtic Bill Russell grabs 41 rebounds to beat Syracuse 119-101 General Miguel Ydegoras Fuentes elected president of Guatemala 1957 Researchers announce Borazan (harder than diamonds) been developed 1956 Fay Crocker wins LPGA Miami Beach Golf Open 1955 McGuire Sisters' "Sincerely" single goes to #1 and stays #1 for 10 weeks President Eisenhower sends 1st U.S. advisors to South Vietnam Soviets decides space center built in Baikonur, Kazachstan WTVY TV channel 4 in Dothan, AL (CBS) begins broadcasting 1953 U.S.S.R. breaks relations with Israel 1950 Albert Einstein warns against hydrogen bomb Senator Joe McCarthy claims to have list of 205 communist government employees 1949 "Annie Get Your Gun" closes at Imperial Theater New York City after 1147 performances Panic in Quito Ecuador, after "War of the World" played on radio Team Canada beats Denmark 47-0 in hockey Unidentified aircraft bomb Jerusalem 1948 1st Lt. Nancy Leftenant becomes 1st black in army nursing corps 1947 Daytime fireball and meteorite fall seen in eastern Siberia Record 100.5-kg sailfish caught, C W Stewart, Galapagos Islands 1945 San Francisco selected for site of United Nations Conference 1944 Wendell Wilkie (R) enters presidential race 1943 General Eisenhower departs Algiers to Tebessa 1942 3 German battle cruisers escape via Channel to Brest N Germany 1941 Jewish Council for Amsterdam forms, under Ascher/Cohen Occupation Police arrest "Jewish Foursome" 1938 Austrian chancellor Schuschnigg visits Hitler in Berchtesgaden German troops entered Austria 1937 Cleveland (now Los Angeles) Rams granted an NFL franchise 1935 Great airship, USS Macon, crashes into Pacific Ocean 1934 Export-Import Bank incorporates France hit by a general strike against fascists and royalists 1933 German vice-chancellor von Papen demands Catholic aid for Nazis 1932 Communist Party of Holland forms Unemployed Combat Committees 1929 Karst Leemburg wins Dutch 11 cities skate (11:30) 1927 British expeditionary army lands in Shanghai 1926 Barendrecht soccer team forms 1925 1st federal arbitration law approved by Congress E Thieffry departs with Handley Page for the Belgian Congo Estonia forbids communist Party 1924 George Gershwin's "Rhapsody In Blue" premieres at Carnegie Hall (New York City) George Kaufman's "Beggar on Horseback," premieres in New York City 1921 Soviet troops invade Georgia Winston Churchill becomes British, minister of Colonies 1920 NL votes 6-2 for 1 commissioner AL votes 6-2 to keep group commission 1916 1st edition of Joseph Patterson/Sidney Smith strip "Gumps" 1915 Cornerstone laid for Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. 1912 China adopts Gregorian calendar Last Ch'ing (Manchu) emperor of China, Hsuan T'ung, abdicates 1909 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) forms Netherlands' SDAP suspends Marxist Tribune group (Gorter and Wijnkoop) Robert Fowler runs world record marathon (2:46:52.6) 1908 Anna Jeanes bequeaths $1,000,000 to Swarthmore to become all female New York to Paris auto race (via Alaska and Siberia) begins in New York City George Schuster wins after 88 days behind the wheel 1907 Passenger ship Larchmont sinks by Block Island, estimated 150 died 1906 George Cohan's musical "George Washington," premieres in New York City 1901 Dutch Penitentiary children's law proclaimed 1899 -47 degrees F (-44 degrees C), Camp Clarke, Nebraska (state record) 1st 2-man team 6-day bicycle race in U.S. begins, MSG, New York City 1889 Cesar Francks Symphony in D, premieres Henrik Ibsens "Fruen fra Haven," premieres in Oslo 1886 2nd British government of Salisbury forms 1885 Carl Peters founds German East-Africa Society 1882 Social-Democratic Union forms in Amsterdam 1880 National Croquet League organizes in Philadelphia 1879 1st artificial ice rink in North America (Madison Square Garden, New York City) News about slaughtering of Isandlwana reaches London 1878 Frederick Thayer patents catcher's mask (pat # 200,358) 1877 1st news dispatch by telephone, between Boston and Salem, Mass U.S. railroad builders strike against wage reduction 1876 Al Spalding opens his sporting good shop 1874 King David Kalakaua of Sandwich Is Hawaii, is 1st king to visit U.S. 1873 Congress abolishes bimetallism and authorizes $1 and $3 gold coins 1870 Official proclamation sets April 15 as last day of grace for U.S. silver coins to circulate in Canada 1865 Henry Highland Garnet, is 1st black to speak in U.S. House of Reps 1861 State troops seize U.S. munitions in Napoleon, Arkansas 1850 Original Washington's Farewell Address manuscript sells for $2,300 1848 Ballet "Faust" premieres, Milan 1840 Housatonic Railroad opens 1839 Aroostock War: Boundary dispute between Maine and New Brunswick 1832 Ecuador annexes Gal pagos Islands 1825 Creek Indian treaty signed. Tribal chiefs agree to turn over all their land in Georgia to the government and migrate west by Sept 1, 1826 1821 Mercantile Library of City of New York opens 1818 Chile gains independence from Spain 1797 Haydn's song "Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser," premieres in Vienna 1793 1st U.S. fugitive slave law passed; requires return of escaped slaves 1772 Yves de Kerguelen of France discovers Kerguelen Archipelago, India 1763 John Casteret appointed British minister of foreign affairs 1762 English fleet occupies Martinique 1736 Maria Theresa Habsburg marries French Stefanus (emperor Francois I) 1733 Georgia founded by James Oglethorpe, at site of Savannah 1709 Alexander Selkirk, Scottish seaman is rescued after 4+ years from Fernandez Island (inspiration for Daniel Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe") 1624 English parliament comes together 1577 Spanish land guardian Don Juan of Habsburg signs "Eternal Edict" 1541 Santiago, Chile founded (or Feb 24) 1528 Treaty of Dordrecht between emperor and ecclesiastical power 1130 Pope Innocent II elected 1111 German King Hendry V arrives at St. Peter, Rome 1049 Bruno count of Egesheim and Dagsburg crowned Pope Leo IX