2015 Event Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas declares that the state will no longer comply with the Oslo Accords, claiming that Israel has frequently violated the agreements, which renders them non-binding The Confederate flag is removed from the South Carolina capitol grounds after the state government enacted a law to permanently remove it; the flag, part of U.S. Civil War history, is viewed by many as a symbol of racism British Petroleum (BP) reaches a settlement with U.S. federal, state and local government entities regarding damages from its Deepwater Horizon rig explosion five years ago; BP will pay USD $18 billion through the year 2030 Nikki Haley, governor of South Carolina, supports removal of the Confederate flag from state grounds; however, the state legislature must first overturn a law requiring the flag to be flown at the Confederate Soldier Monument A rally calling for removal of the Confederate flag forms at the capitol building of the U.S. state of South Carolina in response to a shooting earlier this week of nine African-Americans by white supremacist Dylann Storm Roof The U.S. state of Hawaii raises the legal smoking age from 18 to 21, the highest smoking age among all the states Oil spill cleanup continues at Refugio State Beach in California after a pipeline burst two days ago; about 21,000 gallons of oil have been released into the ocean and 105,000 gallons on land The Vatican indicates its intention to enter a treaty with Palestine, officially recognizing it as an independent state California Governor Jerry Brown mandates a 25% cut in water usage, the first required water restriction in the state's history, as severe drought continues; earlier calls for a voluntary 20% reduction were not met U.S. President Barack Obama states that he did not know that former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton solely used a personal email address for government business, possibly violating federal law; Clinton served under Obama for four years Officials at the World Health Organization state that the number of new Ebola cases is rapidly declining, signaling a reversal of the epidemic; however, preventive measures and safety protocols are still needed in Ebola-infected nations U.S. President Barack Obama gives his State of the Union address, promoting free community college education, increased capital gains taxes on the rich, more paid time off for employees, and greater tax credits for the middle class 2014 Event A 219-year-old time capsule is being excavated from beneath the cornerstone of the Massachusetts State House in Boston; the capsule, first found in 1855 and reburied, is likely the oldest in the U.S. U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel resigns; the resignation may be due to disagreements over current U.S. strategy concerning Islamic State militants and the conflict in Syria The cabinet of Israel approves a bill stating that the nation is both a democratic state and the Jewish homeland; the bill is meant to address political pressure from groups that deny or ignore Israel�s Jewish identity Chocolate manufacturers state that a cocoa-pod fungus and dry weather in cocoa-growing regions has created a shortage of cocoa that may increase in the future; world chocolate demand already exceeds production capacity Representatives for the Islamic State announce that the group will begin minting its own currency in order to remove itself from the world financial system, which it considers 'satanic' Australia bans all visas from the Ebola-hit nations of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone; the nation's officials state that this is required to preserve public health, but health experts have criticized the policy Jeffrey Fowle, one of three Americans held in North Korea for crimes against the state, has been released; Fowle was accused of leaving a Bible in a club for mariners The Turkish government has reversed its stance and is now allowing Kurds to cross into Syria in order to fight Islamic State forces Palestine will be officially recognized as a sovereign state by the new government of Sweden; though the U.N. General Assembly supported such recognition two years ago, few nations have officially extended this recognition United Nation member states agree to a resolution aiming to prevent their citizens from joining or supporting militant groups, particularly the Islamic State, in Iraq and Syria 49 hostages of the Islamic State are freed and returned to Turkey after an operation enacted by the Turkish government after the June kidnapping in Mosul, Iraq; Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will not give information regarding its actions Muslim Brotherhood followers have been asked to leave Qatar; other Arab states are unhappy with Qatar's support of the group, highlighted by recent charges that the nation received state secrets from member and former Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi President Barack Obama announces that the U.S. will increase its support for forces fighting the advances of the Islamic State militant group; air power, military training and other aid will be provided, but U.S. troops will not be sent to battle Former Egyptian President President Mohamed Mursi and nine others have been charged with giving confidential state security information to the government of Qatar; if convicted of treason, Mursi could face the death penalty Pakistani protesters seeking the resignation of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif briefly take over the state television station and shut it down; soldiers and paramilitary forces later regained control and restored operation Iraqi troops and Shiite militia members, aided by U.S. air strikes, free the town of Amerli from Islamic State control; the rebel group seized the town two months ago, blocking access to food and supplies; rations were air-dropped after the victory Legislators in California pass a ban on disposable plastic grocery bags; if approved by Governor Jerry Brown, the ban will be the first implemented across a state, though many cities across the U.S. already have such bans in place U.S. officials have validated claims by the Islamic State (IS) that journalist James Foley, held in captivity for two years, has been killed; President Obama vows to continue airstrikes in Iraq against IS militants Kurdish peshmerga fighters are able to recapture part of the Mosul Dam after U.S. airstrikes push back Islamic State militants Continued riots in Ferguson, Missouri over the shooting death of teenager Michael Brown by a police officer have resulted in the announcement of a state of emergency and a curfew by Governor Jay Nixon Texas Governor Rick Perry has been convicted of felony for threatening to block state funds from the office of District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg unless she resigned; the threat stemmed from Lehmberg's arrest for drunk driving The European Union will assist Iraq in fighting Islamic State militants; European nations and the Union are sending arms in addition to humanitarian aid U.S. air strikes, in combination with Kurdish forces, pushed back an assault by Islamic State militants upon Yazidi minorities trapped on Mt. Sinjar in Iraq; the action allowed thousands to escape 705 military troops will be sent to Iraq by the U.S. to assist in planning assistance to groups affected by the advance of Islamist State militants; President Barack Obama states that the troops will not be involved in combat U.S. President Barack Obama will allow the Pentagon to perform a limited number of air strikes in Iraq to thwart the advance of the Islamic State The Islamic State captures the Iraqi town of Sinjar, home to the country's Yazidi religious minority population; residents fled in advance of the extremists, who have demanded that non-Muslim residents convert to Islam or face death U.S. President Barack Obama authorizes air strikes against Islamic State militants for situations in which the forces appear to threaten U.S. personnel; food drops were also carried out along the Syrian border to civilians trapped by the violence U.S. officials state that Russia has violated the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty by test-firing a type of cruise missile; Russian officials argue against the charge The state of Washington legalizes recreational marijuana, becoming the second U.S. state to do so after Colorado Russia supplies Iraq with military aircraft to help the government fight insurgents from the Islamic State of Iraq; the U.S. has readied military assistance, but it has not yet been delivered India has officially divided the state of Andhra Pradesh to create the nation's 29th state, Telangana; Hyderabad will act as joint capital for both states for the next decade; K. Chandrasekhara Rao will serve as Telangana prime minister The Chinese and Russian state energy companies, Gazprom and CPNC, respectively, have entered a deal for Russia to supply China with natural gas; the deal provides a market for Russian gas as European countries seek to reduce their dependence due to Russia's actions Union backers and California legislators are seeking to raise the state's minimum wage to $13 per hour; Governor Jerry Brown ratified a law only 8 months ago to raise the wage to $10 an hour by 2016 Michael D. Higgins, President of Ireland, makes the first visit to the U.K. as Irish head of state; his visit reciprocates that of Queen Elizabeth II to Ireland in 2011 Kentucky beat undefeated Wichita State in the NCAA basketball tournament, ending Wichita's historic 35-0 record NCAA basketball team Wichita State Shockers wins the Missouri Valley Conference championship undefeated A long-delayed review of the Keystone XL Pipeline is completed by the U.S. State Department; it concluded the pipeline would not significantly increase greenhouse gas emissions U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry criticizes Nigerian President, Goodluck Jonathan, for legislation he signed last week to ban same-sex marriage and criminalize gay rights groups and their activities; the law includes penalties of up to 14 years imprisonment After a federal judge ruled that Utah's same-sex ban on gay marriage was unconstitutional, the Supreme Court had to place the lower-court ruling on hold pending an appeal by the state 2013 Event Breaking with long-standing tradition among Russian heads of state, President Vladimir Putin delivered two New Year's speeches rather than one; he made his second stres from Khaborovsk, a city that experienced devastating floods this summer The U.S. State of California is experiencing the driest year on record, and rain is not expected in the near future; San Francisco is having the driest year ever since the Gold Rush began in 1849 Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, President of Mongolia, becomes the first head of state to visit with Kim Jong-un in North Korea since he became Supreme Leader Scientists in the Australian state of Queensland discover three previously unknown species in a rainforest located in Cape York Peninsula: a leaf-tailed gecko, a golden-colored skink, and a boulder-dwelling frog The state of New Jersey becomes the 14th state in the U.S. to permit same-sex-marriages Major bushfires that have endangered lives and destroyed homes cause Barry O'Farrell, the Premier of Australia's New South Wales to declare a state of emergency Flooding in New Zealand's district of Whanganui causes authorities to declare a state of emergency Following an elaborate two-day state funeral, national independence hero of Vietnam, General Vo Nguyen Giap, is buried Part of the ongoing Samaikyandhra Movement, protests and strikes erupt after the Cabinet of India approves the bifurcation of the state of Andrha Pradesh Former U.S. Majority Leader Tom DeLay, has a November 2010 money laundering conviction overturned by a Texas State appellate court The U.S. State Department evacuates staff from the U.S. Consulate in Pakistan due to threats; most officials were moved to the city of Islamabad Texas State Senator Wendy Davis, famous for her 11-hour filibuster against restricting abortion rights, announces she will run for either the Texas State Senate seat or for Governor of Texas Teresa Heinz Kerry, 74, wife of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, was discharged from the hospital after suffering a seizer nearly three weeks ago; she is expected to make a full recovery NASA's New Horizons team releases the first high resolution view of Pluto's largest moon; Charon, which is as large as the state of Texas, is covered in ice In the state of California, the 2008 Proposition 8 ballot measure is upheld in an appeals case, allowing same-sex marriage to continue Petr Necas, the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, declares a state of emergency as the swollen Vltava River threaten the center of Prague Malawi President Joyce Banda accuses singer Madonna of 'bullying state officials' after exaggerating the contributions of her charity and complaining about her treatment during a recent visit to the country The release of 1.7 million U.S diplomatic and intelligence documents from 1973-1976 when Henry Kissinger was U.S. Secretary of State were released by Wikileaks; Julian Assange worked on the project inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London David Milliband announces plans to resign as Britain's Foreign Secretary and move to U.S. state of New York to head the International Rescue Committee In Washington state, six tanks are reported to be leaking radioactive waste at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation; the leak has not posed an immediate health risk Owen Paterson, UK Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, convenes with British retailers and the Food Standards Agency to determine how "beef" products containing horsemeat were sold in supermarkets Turkey's Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan responds to air strikes on Syria, saying Israel's government is waging 'state terrorism' U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton steps down from her post; she is succeeded by Senator John Kerry U.S. Senator John Kerry is confirmed by the U.S. Senate to become the next U.S. Secretary of State The President of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, declares that official documents must use the words 'State of Palestine' 2012 Event After suffering from a concussion caused by fainting from dehydration, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is hospitalized for a blood clot Hilary Clinton, the U.S. Secretary of State, fainted from dehydration and sustained a concussion after falling in her home In the U.S. state of Connecticut, a shooter kills 29 people, including 20 children, himself and his mother at Sandy Hook Elementary School Thousands of union employees protest outside of the capital building in Lansing, Michigan, as Michigan's government passes legislation, becoming the nation's 24th right-to-work state, and most highly unionized state in the U.S. to have such laws U.S. Governor of Colorado, John Hickenlooper, emboldened by the passage of a voter-approved amendment to the state constitution last month, declared marijuana legal for recreational use Philippine President Benigno Aquino, announces a state of national calamity after Typhoon Bopha claims over 450 lives All members of the Commonwealth of Nations, who have the British Monarch as their head of state, agree to the Succession of the Crown Bill, enabling a female child, for the first time, to become monarch Medical textbooks require rewriting after 39-year-old Canadian Scott Routley becomes the first person believed to be in a vegetative state to tell scientists he isn't in any pain U.S. voters in the state of Massachusetts approve a referendum legalizing the use of medical marijuana; Colorado and Washington approve the legalization of recreational use of the drug The 52-foot iconic statue known as Big Tex, is destroyed by fire during the final days of the 2012 State Fair of Texas Ending a 50-year ban on veiled female news presenters, Egypt's state television gives its female presenters a choice of wearing, or not wearing, a veil A large crude deposit of oil is found by Permex, Mexico's state-owned oil company, in the northern state of Tamaulipas; deposits could contain 250 - 400 million barrels of oil A California state jury rules that Samsung electronics owes Apple Inc. over $1 billion for patent infringement The West coast of Washington state is hit by a 5.6 magnitude earthquake Egypt's state news organization states that their President, Mohammed Morsi is going to Iran at the end of August to attend the Non-Aligned Movement meeting Dallas, Texas Mayor Mike Rawlings declares a state of emergency after an outbreak of West Nile Virus kills at least 17 people; the city plans to combat the mosquitoes with aerial spraying of pyrethroid insecticides The U.S. State Department states the U.N. Secretary-General's decision to attend the 120-member Non-Aligned Movement summit is 'strange' and 'not a good signal' Ghana's state funeral, held in Accra for President John Atta Mills, attracts tens of thousands Mexico's state, Veracruz, experiences a natural disaster when Hurricane Ernesto makes landfall, killing at least three people In Egypt, protesters throw tomatoes and shoes at U.S. Secretary of State's motorcade during her first visit to the country since President Mohamed Mursi was elected An estimated 90 - 115 people die when an oil tanker in Okobge, Rivers State Nigeria crashes and explodes After Secretary of State Hillary Clinton apologized for a NATO airstrike that killed 26 Pakistani soldiers and officials, Pakistan reopens key NATO supply routes into Afghanistan Fox News reporter and Opus Dei member Greg Burke is selected by Pope Benedict XVI as secretariat of state Clashes between Buddhists and Muslims occurs in western Burma, causing the area to declare a state of emergency Richard Dawkins, an atheist, ethologist and evolutionary biologist, approves of British education secretary Michael Gove's plan of sending free King James Bibles to every state school The nearly finished One World Trade Center overtakes the Empire State Building as the tallest building in New York City In Illinois, a Cook County Circuit Court rules that the tax Amazon.com levied on Internet businesses by the U.S. state of Illinois is unconstitutional U.S. Presidential candidate Rick Santorum wins the caucuses in the state of Louisiana After three years without an elected head of state, Nicolae Timofti is named President of Moldova U.S. Presidential candidate Mitt Romney wins the caucus in Washington state The State Senate of Maryland approves a bill allowing same-sex marriage in the state California's Proposition 8 banning gay marriage in that state was overturned by the U.S. States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit In the state of Washington, the State Senate passes legislation allowing same sex marriage The 2012 State of the Union Address is delivered by President Barack Obama to the U.S. Congress Justine Greening, the U.K. Secretary of State for Transport approves the HS2, a high-speed rail line that will link major cities in the U.K. to London Jamaica's new Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller announces the country will become a republic, removing Queen Elizabeth II as head of state The U.K. Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, William Hague, begins a two day tour of Myanmar 2011 Event Mexico's state of Guerrero is hit by a 6.5 magnitude earthquake Rod Blagojevich, the former Governor of the State of Illinois, is issued a sentence of 14 years in jail for corruption In Peru, protests over a mining project persist in four provinces, causing the country to declare a state of emergency U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton promotes democratic reforms in her meeting with Burma's top pro-democracy activist, Aung San Suu Kyi Washington State University researchers develop an artificial bone 'scaffold' which uses 3D printers to print replacement bone tissue for injured patients U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton calls on Iran to respond to the IAEA report stating Iran is working on nuclear bomb technology Pope Benedict XVI begins his state visit to Germany In Berlin, Social Democrats do well in a state election; the Pirate Party enters a state parliament for the first time, with the Free Democrats achieving 2% of the vote A state of emergency is declared by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal after Tropical Storm Lee in the northern Gulf of Mexico New England's state of Vermont experiences the worst flooding in 100 years Over half of the country of Peru enters a state of emergency as a result of unusually cold weather South Sudan becomes a sovereign state after seceding from Sudan New York becomes the largest state to legalize same-sex marriage when Governor Andrew Cuomo signs the New York State Marriage Equality Law The U.S. state of Arizona has an enormous wildfire covering almost 500 square miles; it is not contained and is sending smoke across several other states More than 100,000 homes in Michigan lose power after powerful storms hit the state Tornadoes hit Joplin, Missouri, and a state of emergency is declared; more tornadoes hit Minneapolis, Minnesota and warnings are announced in states from Texas to Michigan The U.S. Department of State issues a global travel alert to all U.S. citizens, warning of enhanced potential for anti-American violence The Mid-April 2011 Southern United States tornado outbreak results in over 30 deaths; North Carolina is the state worst affected Over 230,000 acres of land, including the town Fort Davis, are destroyed by wildfires in the state of Texas New South Wales swears in its new Premier, Barry O'Farrell, following its state election The Tibetan Parliament-in-exile rejects the 14th Dalai Lama's submitted resignation as Head of State of the Central Tibetan Administration U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, publicly announces she will retire rather than serve a second term in 2012 if President Obama is reelected Analysts report a nuclear meltdown may be occurring at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant; a state of emergency is declared at five plants Lawmakers successfully pass the vote to remove nearly all collective bargaining from Wisconsin state employees Wisconsin AFL-CIO assemble hundreds of union supporters claiming they will risk arrest to prevent police from clearing the Wisconsin State Capitol building A state of emergency due to snow is declared in St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota Lara Giddings becomes the first female Premier of the Australian state of Tasmania 2010 Event After facing heavy flooding and mudslides, the President of Venezuela declares a state of emergency in the state of Falcon Alaska's State Senator Lisa Murkowski becomes the first write-in candidate to successfully win an election since 1954 Nigeria's government opens two swollen dams, displacing two million people in Jigawa State At least 47 people die in northern India from heavy monsoon rains and landslides in Uttrakhand state, Pitthoragarh, Chapawat and Uttarkashi regions Raul Castro, head of the Cuban government, declares they will lay off half a million state workers to improve their economy by the middle of 2011 In Guatemala, heavy rains and landslides kill at least 18 people and a state of emergency is declared The 2010 Canterbury earthquake leads the town of Christchurch, New Zealand, to declare a curfew and state of emergency A U.S. federal investigation results in 47 foreign-born gang members arrested in New England, half are arrested in the state of Maine Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor of California, responds to a fiscal state of emergency by requiring most state employees to take three days of unpaid leave per month Renewed tribal clashes in Sudan's South Darfur state result in 52 civilians killed and 55 others wounded Tens of thousands of Poles line the streets to witness the procession of President Kaczynski, en route to the Presidential Palace, Warsaw, where he will lie in state 2009 Event Nearly 100 people are killed by a runaway truck at a market in Kogi State, Nigeria At a ceremony in eastern Shan State, Burma, authorities burn $93 million in seized narcotic drugs U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urges Israeli-Palestinian peace talks to resume as soon as possible 2003 Event In his State of the Union address, President George W. Bush stated that Saddam Hussein had tried to acquire 'significant quantities of uranium from Africa' (a claim substantiated only by forged documents) Rose Bowl, Oklahoma Sooners beat Washington State Cougars 34 - 14 2002 Event In his State of the Union address, President George W. Bush likens Iraq, Iran and North Korea to an 'axis of evil' 2000 Event 19th NCAA Women's Basketball Championship: at Corel State Spectrum 1998 Event State Farm Rail Golf Classic Matt Beck, an angry lottery accountant kills 4 at Connecticut state lottery Rose Bowl, Michigan Wolverines beat Washington State Cougars 21 - 16 1997 Event Golden State Warrior guard Latrell Sprewell, four-year, $32 million, contract terminated for attacking his coach P J Carlesimo Cindy Figg-Currier wins LPGA State Farm Rail Classic Mississippi becomes 1st state to settle tobacco suit Ali Abu Kamal opens fire in Empire State Building and kills 1 Secretary of State Margaret Albright announces she just discovered that her grandparents were Jewish Rose Bowl, Ohio State Buckeyes beat Arizona State Sun Devils 20 - 17 1996 Death Lew Ayres, screen actor (Salem's Lot, State Fair), dies at 88 Robert J. Morris, lawyer, served New York State Assembly committee investigating Communist activities, dies at 81 1996 Event Nebraska and Penn State are 5th and 6th major colleges to win 700 Troy Davis of Iowa State ran for 378 yards, 3rd highest in college football games (others: Michigan, Notre Dame, Texas and Alabama) Michelle McGann wins LPGA State Farm Rail Golf Classic Kim LaPlante of Washington state crowned Mrs. United States "State Fair," closes at Music Box Theater New York City after 118 performances Janaki Ramachandran, Prime Minister of Indian state of Tamil Nadu (1988), dies Hiteshwar Saikia, Prime Minister of Indian state of Assam (1991-96), dies "State Fair," opens at Music Box Theater New York City for 118 performances 1995 Event 61st Heisman Trophy Award: Eddie George, Ohio State (RB) Mary Beth Zimmerman wins LPGA State Farm Rail Golf Classic New York becomes 38th state to have the death penalty 10,000s South Africans attend state funeral of Joe Slovo 1994 Death John Keith Wright, English Assistant Secretary of State (1971-84), dies at 66 Dean Rusk, U.S. Secretary of State, dies at 85 Dean Rusk, U.S. Secretary of State 1961 - 1969, dies at 85 1994 Event Barb Mucha wins LPGA State Farm Rail Golf Classic Kalman Kahana, Polish co-founder of state Israel, dies at 81 Jordan and Israeli end 46 year state of war Ad Gang, Dutch Liberal Party Assistant Secretary of State, dies at 67 Gundaris Pone, composer, professor, State University College at New Paltz, New York, dies of cancer in Kingston, New York, at age 61 Michalis Vranopoulos, head of Greek state bank, murdered at 48 -36 degrees F (-38 degrees C) in New Whiteland, Indiana (state record) 1993 Event 59th Heisman Trophy Award: Charlie Ward, Florida State (quarterback) "Cinderella" closes at New York State Theater New York City after 14 performances Puerto Rico votes against becoming the 51st U.S. state "Cinderella" opens at New York State Theater New York City for 14 performances Boris Yeltsin declares state of emergency in Moscow PLO recognizes state of Israel Helen Dobson wins LPGA State Farm Rail Golf Classic California state senator Tom Hayden (54) weds actress Barbara Williams (40) 1993 Death Jim Valvano, basketball coach (North Carolina State), dies of cancer at 47 12th NCAA Women's Basketball Champion: Texas Tech beats OH State 84-82 Blockbuster Bowl 3: Stanford beats Penn State, 24-3 1992 Death Andreas M Donner, Dutch state leader/jurist (Constitution), dies at 74 1992 Event Maximum New York State unemployment benefits raised to $300 per week 1991 Event San Diego State's Marshall Faulk is 1st freshman to capture national rushing and scoring titles "Brigadoon" closes at New York State Theater New York City after 12 performances Bomb attack on Aad Kosto, Dutch social dem party - Assistant Secretary of state "Brigadoon" opens at New York State Theater New York City for 12 performances Nevada makes biggest comeback in NCAA football history, overcoming a 35-pt deficit in the 3rd quarter and rallying to beat Weber State 55-49 "Most Happy Fella" closes at New York State Theater New York City Fresno State ties NCAA record with 49 points in a quarter, as they route New Mexico 94-17 1991 Death JA Mommersteeg, Dutch state sect of Defense (KVP), dies SD State freshman Marshall Faulk sets NCAA rushing record of 386 yards Freshman Marshall Faulk of San Diego State rushed for NCAA record "Most Happy Fella" opens at New York State Theater New York City "Little Night Music" closes at New York State New York City after 7 performances Juli Inkster wins LPGA Bay State Golf Classic "Little Night Music" opens at New York State Theater New York City for 7 performances College World Series: Louisiana State defeats Wichita State 6-3 Maximum New York State unemployment benefits raised to $280 per week North Carolina State Chris Corchiani becomes 1st NCAAer to get 1,000 assists Troy State sets NCAA Div II record with 103 points in 2nd half routing DeVry Institute 187-117 1990 Event Blockbuster Bowl 1: Florida State beats Penn State, 24-17 "Little Night Music" closes at New York State New York City after 11 performances Secretary of State James Baker visits U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia "Street Scene" closes at New York State Theater New York City after 6 performances U.S. Secretary of State James Baker meets with Vietnam's foreign minister "Street Scene" opens at New York State Theater New York City for 6 performances "Little Night Music" opens at New York State Theater New York City for 11 performances New York City's Empire State Building catches fire - no fatalities South Africa President F W de Klerk lifts 4 year of state of emergency 1990 Death Mary Victor Bruce, who flew around empire state building in 1930, dies Maximum New York State unemployment benefits raised to $260 per week Supreme Court rejects appeal from retarded man, Dalton Prejean, condemned to death for murdering a Louisiana state trooper in 1977 Michael Stewart, U.K. Secretary of State 1965 - 1966, 1968 - 1970, dies 1989 Event East German state/party leader Erich Honecker, resigns 1989 Death Liesbeth Ribbius Peletier, Netherlands 1st female advisor of State, dies Tina Barrett wins LPGA Mitsubishi Motors Ocean State Golf Open 48 cm rainfall at Rockport, West Virginia, state record N.Y. State Legislature passes Staten Island secession bill Ray McAnally, actor (My Left Foot, Empire State), dies in Dublin at 63 Maximum New York State unemployment benefits raised to $245 per week 1988 Event 54th Heisman Trophy Award: Barry Sanders, Oklahoma State (RB) PLO proclaims State of Palestine, recognizes Israeli existence Patty Jordan wins LPGA Ocean State Golf Open Secretary of State Shultz narrowly escapes assassin attempt in Bolivia 1987 Event State of siege ends in Taiwan 1987 Death [Wayne] Woody Hayes, football coach (Ohio State), dies at 74 R Budd Dwyer, Penns State Treasurer, facing prison for conspiracy and perjury, shot himself to death at a televised news conference Penn State upsets Miami in Fiesta Bowl for college football champ 1986 Death John Antill, studied under Alfred Hill, played in NSW State Orchestra, dies at 82 1986 Event Wichita State Shockers blow a 35-3 lead; lose 36-35 to Morehead State Bolivia president Victor Paz Estensoro calls state of siege President Reagan criticizes South African state of emergency Kathy Ormsby, a 21-year-old member of North Carolina State track team jumps off a bridge permanently paralyzing herself 1985 Event Akali Dal wins Punjab State election in India Rajiv Gandhi announces Punjab state elections in India 15.4 cm rainfall at Cheyenne, Wyoming (state record) 117 degrees F (47 degrees C), St. George, Utah (state rec) (103 degrees spread, UT 1985) -61 degrees F (-52 degrees C), Maybell, Colorado (state record) -69 degrees F (-56 degrees C), Peter's Sink, Utah (state record) -30 degrees F (-34 degrees C), Mountain Lake Bio Station, Virginia (state record) -19 degrees F (-28 degrees C), Caesar's Head, South Carolina (state record) -34 degrees F (-37 degrees C), Mount Mitchell, North Carolina (state record) 1984 Event Golden State Warrior scores 59 points losing to New Jersey Nets 124-110 Washington State's Rueben Mayes sets col football rec of 357 yards rushing 28 year old Chicagoan wins $40 million in Illinois state lottery 1983 Event 110 degrees F (43 degrees C) at Fayetteville, North Carolina (state record) Supreme Court struck down state and local restrictions on abortion 45th NCAA Men's Basketball Championship: North Carolina State beats Houston 54-52 Penn State beats Georgia in Sugar Bowl for college football title 1982 Event 35.7 cm rainfall at Big Fork, Arkansas (state record) 38.6 cm (15.2") of rainfall, Angoon Alaska (state record) Senate confirms George Shultz as 60th sec of state by vote of 97-0 Secretary of State Alexander Haig, Jr. resigns, replaced by George Schultz 1981 Event San Antonio blocks 20 Golden State shots to set NBA reg game record Pete Squires sets record for 1575 steps of Empire State Building, 10m Philippino president Marcos ends state of siege -35 degrees F (-37 degrees C), Chester, Massachusetts (state record) 1980 Event Alexander Haig named Reagan's Secretary of State 1980 Death John W. Davis, President (WV State college), dies at 92 1st female state police graduates, New Jersey Mount St. Helens blows its top in Washington State, 60 die Cyrus Vance, Carter's Secretary of State, resigns 1979 Birthday James Allen, born in Portland, Oregon, James Deshaune Allen, football player, linebacker, played for National Football League, attended Oregon State University, chosen 82nd overall in 2002 NFL Draft by the New Orleans Saints, now a free agent 1979 Death Jacques Mesrine, French "enemy of the state", shot to death 1979 Event 109 cm rainfall at Alvin Texas (state record) 12 degrees F, on top of Mauna Kea, Hawaii (state record) 41st NCAA Men's Basketball Champion: Michigan State beats Indiana State. 75-64 Michigan State Spartans snaps Indiana State's 33-game win streak -52 degrees F (-47 degrees C), Old Forge, New York (state record) Washington State's Hood Canal Bridge breaks up in windstorm 1978 Event Ohio State dismisses Woody Hayes as its football coach Theodore Bundy kills Florida State University coeds Lisa Levy and Margaret Bowman 1977 Event Dr. Clifford R Wharton, Jr. named chancellor of State University of NY Netherlands State Delta Kappa Gamma Society forms Supreme Court says people may refuse to display state motto on license Attempt for Moslem state in Chad fails 1976 Event 8 Ohio National Guardsmen indicted for shooting 4 Kent State students East Lansing police arrest Dodgers reliever Mike Marshall for taking batting practice at Michigan State University after he is warned not to 1975 Event 42nd Sugar Bowl: Alabama 13 beats Penn State 6 41st Heisman Trophy Award: Archie Griffin, Ohio State (RB) 104 degrees F (40 degrees C) at Providence, Rhode Island (state record) 107 degrees F (42 degrees C) at Chester/New Bedford, Massachusetts (state record) 1975 Birthday Joe Smith, NBA forward, Golden State Warriors 8.5" (21.6 cm) of rainfall, Dover, Delaware (state record) 8.10" (20.57 cm) of rainfall, Litchville No Dakota (state 24-hour rec) Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declares a state of emergency Delta State beats Immaculata for the women's AIAW championship Penn is 1st state to allow girls to compete with boys in HS sports 1974 Event 40th Heisman Trophy Award: Archie Griffin, Ohio State (RB) Ethiopia becomes socialist one-party state 36th NCAA Mens Basketball Championship: North Carolina State beats Marquette 76-64 1973 Event 39th Heisman Trophy Award: John Cappelletti, Penn State (RB) New Jersey becomes 1st state to allow girls into little league Turkey's state of siege ends (after 2 years) Henry Kissinger, sworn in as Secretary of State Ohio State's Archie Griffith begins record 31 cons 100 yd rushing 6.8 quake centered in Oaxaca State in Mexico kills 527 1973 Birthday Donyell Marshall, NBA forward, Golden State Warriors Andrew DeClercq, NBA forward, Golden State Warriors, Boston Celtics 1972 Event 39th Sugar Bowl: Oklahoma 14 beats Penn State 0 1972 Birthday Clifford Rozier, NBA center and forward, Golden State Warriors 10.84" (27.53 cm) of rainfall, Fort Ripley, Mn (state 24-hour record) 27.5 cm rainfall at Fort Ripley, Minnesota, state record Leta Lindley, born in Phoenix, Arizona, LPGA golfer, 1995 State Farm Rail-3rd Los Angeles Lakers beat Golden State Warriors, 162-99, by then record 63 pts AIAW 1st basketball champs, Immaculata beats West Chester State 52-48 British Government declares state of emergency after month-long miners' strike 7' Ohio State center Luke Witte is stomped in face during a brawl in a game with Minnesota East-Pakistan becomes independent state of Bangladesh 1971 Event Prison rebellion at Rahway State Prison, New Jersey 1971 Birthday Tammy Harris, Williamstown, New York, Miss America-New York State 1997 11 guards and 31 prisoners die in take over at Attica State Prison State of Washington becomes 1st state to ban sex discrimination Ohio becomes 38th state to approve of lower voting age to 18, thus ratifying 26th amendment Mayor declares state of emergency in Columbus Ga, racial disturbance Washington State bans sex discrimination Turkey state of siege proclaimed Helen Dobson, Skegness England, golfer, 1993 State Farm Rail Classic Himachal Pradesh becomes 18th Indian state -40 degrees F (-40 degrees C), Hawley Lake, Ariz (state record) Cecil Partee elected president pro tem of Illinois state senate 1970 Event Golden Gate Park Conservatory becomes a California state historical landmark Plane carrying Wichita State University football team crashes killing 30 Estimated 15 cm (6") of rainfall, Bug Point, Utah (state record) 1970 Birthday Mike Kelly, born in Los Angeles, California, Michael Raymond Kelly, baseball player, outfielder, attended Arizona State University, played outfield for Tampa Bay Devil Rays, Atlanta Braves, Cincinnati Reds, Colorado Rockies, won Golden Spikes Award, 1991 National Guard mobilizes to quell disturbances at Ohio State U Stefania Croce, Bergamo Italy, golfer, 95 State Farm Rail Classic-11 Mississippi Highway Patrol kills 2 at Jackson State College Cops kill 2 students in racial disturbance (Jackson State U, Miss) National Guard kills 4 at Kent State in Ohio 1970 Death 4 students, at Kent State University killed by Ohio National Guard Meghalaya becomes autonomous state within India's Assam state 26.37 cm (10.38") of rainfall, Mount Washington, New Hampshire (state 24-hour rec) 26.4 cm precipitation falls on Mount Washington, New Hampshire a state record 1969 Event 69 cm rainfall in Nelson Co., Virginia (state record) Woodstock Music and Art Fair opens in New York State (Max Yasgur's Dairy Farm) 1969 Birthday Duane Bock, born in Southampton, New York, golfer, 1991 Low Amateur New York State Open Jon Barry, NBA guard, Los Angeles Lakers, Golden State Warriors State troopers ordered to Cairo Ill, to quell racial disturbances Spanish General Franco announces state of emergency 1968 Event -48 degrees F (-44 degrees C), Mazama and Winthrop, Washington (state record) Students of San Francisco State Counsel go on strike 15.68" (39.83 cm) of rainfall, Columbus, Miss (state 24-hour record) Students seize administration building at Ohio State 1968 Birthday Bimbo Coles, NBA guard, Golden State Warriors 1968 Death Fay Bainter, actress (Jezebel, Our Town, State Fair), dies at 76 Students seize building at Bowie State College State troopers used tear gas to stop demonstration at Alcorn A and M Howard Lindsay, U.S. playwright (State of the Union), dies at 78 Officers kill 3 students demonstrating in South Carolina State (Orangeburg) 1967 Birthday Scott Schrader, California, Canadian Tour golfer, 1992 Golden State 1967 Death Cornelis A Eman, chairman (State of Aruba Peoples Party), dies at 51 1967 Event 400 students seize administration building at Cheyney State College Kent Jones, Portales, New Mexico, golfer, NM State Amateur-1990-91 1966 Event Indian Haryana state created from Punjab; Chandigarh terr created Governor James Rhodes declares state of emergency in Cleveland, race riot 10.51" (26.70 cm) of rainfall, Sandusky Ohio (state record) Miami beats St. Petersburg (Florida State League) 4-3 in 29 innings longest uninterrupted game in organized baseball 1966 Birthday Tina Barrett, Balt, LPGA golfer, 1989 Mitsubishi Motors Ocean State Belgian state police kills 2 striking mine workers -19 degrees F (-28 degrees C), Corinth, Mississippi (state record) -27 degrees F (-33 degrees C), New Market, Alabama (state record) Wisc State Circuit Court Judge Elmer W. Roller rules either the Braves stay in Milwaukee or NL must promise Wisconsin an expansion team for 1966 1965 Birthday Fayette Purser, Sydney Australia, golfer, NSW State Rep 1987-88 1965 Event 18.18" (46.18 cm) of rainfall, Edgarton, Missouri (state 24-hour record) 11.08" (28.14 cm) of rainfall, Holly, Colorado (state 24-hour record) Chris Washburn, born in Hickory, North Carolina, Christopher Scott Washburn, athlete, NBA player, played for North Carolina State 1985 - 1986 Rony Seikaly, NBA center, Orlando Magic, Golden State Warriors 1965 Death Louise Dresser, actress (State Fair, Ship Comes In, Mammy), dies at 86 Jo Ann Prentice wins LPGA All State Ladies' Golf Invitational Martin Luther King, Jr. led 25,000 to state capitol in Montgomery, Alabama Alabama state troopers and 600 black protestors clash in Selma State funeral of Winston Churchill Lyndon Baines Johnson's "Great Society" State of the Union Address 1964 Birthday Fiona Pike, Adelaide Australia, golfer, S Australia State champ 1993/94 1964 Event New York State Theater opens Egypt ends state of siege (1952-64) 1963 Event Nagaland becomes a state of Indian union Hyde St. Pier re-opens as State Historical Park Georgette Ciselet is 1st woman on Belgian Council of State Alabama Governor George Wallace served a federal injunction to stop orders of state police to bar black students from enrolling in white schools 1963 Death Joseph Self, murderer, executed; last Washington state execution in 25 yrs State of siege proclaimed in Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini arrested 1963 Birthday Hu Na, born in Taipei, Republic of China, professional tennis player, defected from the People's Republic of the United State to the United States in 1982 Oregon State's Terry Baker becomes 1st and only Heisman Trophy winner -34 degrees F (-37 degrees C), Cynthiana, Kentucky (state record) 1962 Birthday Keith Lee, basketball player, Memphis State 1962 Event 28th Heisman Trophy Award: Terry Baker, Oregon State (quarterback) Manute Bol, NBA center, Golden State Warriors 55.9 cm rainfall at Hackberry, Louisiana, state record Jerome Kersey, NBA forward, Golden State Warriors, Sea Supersonics Supreme Court backs 1-man-1-vote apportionment of seats in state legislature 24th NCAA Men's Basketball Championship: Cincinnati beats Ohio State 71-59 1961 Event 118 degrees F (48 degrees C), Ice Harbor Dam, Washington (state record) U.S. Supreme Court struck down a provision in Md's constitution requiring state office holders to believe in God 1961 Birthday William Hague, Secretary of State for Wales 23rd NCAA Men's Basketball Champion: Cincinnati beats Ohio State 70-65 (OT) 1960 Event Chartered C46 carrying California State's football team crashes, kills 16 Elijah Muhammad, leader of Nation of Islam, calls for a black state 1960 Birthday Ralph Sampson, NBA center, Golden State Warriors, Houston Rockets 10.40" (26.42 cm) of rainfall, Dunmor, Kentucky (state 24-hour record) India's Bombay state split into Gujarat and Maharashtra states 22nd NCAA Men's Basketball Championship: Ohio State beats California 75-55 1959 Event 1st Liberty Bowl game-Penn State beats Alabama 7-0 State of emergency on Cyprus ends Hawaii becomes 50th U.S. state 1959 Birthday Magic Johnson, born in Lansing, Michigan, professional basketball player, inducted into Basketball Hall of Fame, 2002, played for Michigan State, NBA All-Star Games 42.4 cm rainfall in Decatur Co, Iowa (state record) 1959 Death John Foster Dulles, U.S. Secretary of State 1953 - 1959, dies at 71 Alaska admitted as 49th U.S. state 1958 Event Senegal becomes an autonomous state in French Community Mali becomes an autonomous state within French Community Soviet Marshal Bulganin resigns as director of State Bank Union Square, San Francisco becomes state historical landmark 1958 Birthday Gary Oldman, actor, Sid and Nancy, Criminal Law, State of Grace Alan Milburn, born in Tow Law, County Durham, politician, Labor Party, Member of Parliament for Darlington, served in Cabinet as Secretary of State for Health, resigned, rejoined Cabinet as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Larry Smith, born in Rolling Fork, Mississippi, professional basketball player, coach, played forward/center for Alcorn State University, played for NBA's Golden State Warriors, Houston Rockets, San Antonio Spurs, credited as best rebounder in the 1980's, coached Anaheim Arsenal 1957 Event Indonesia proclaims end to state of war 42.01 cm (16.54") of rainfall, East St. Louis, Illinois (state record) 42.0 cm rain falls on East St. Louis, Illinois, state record France returns Saar to becomes the 10th state of German Federal Rep 1956 Event Indian state of Madhya Pradesh forms Indian state of Tripura becomes a territory 1956 Birthday Lori West, born in Denver, Colorado, LPGA golfer, 1994 State Farm-5th 96.5 cm (38.0") of rainfall, Kilauea Plantation, HI (state record) 96.5 cm precipitation at Kilauea Plantation, Hawaii (state record) 1955 Event 21st Heisman Trophy Award: Howard Cassady, Ohio State (HB) 1955 Birthday Mary Landrieu, born in Arlington, Virginia, politician, Democrat, U.S. Senator from the State of Louisiana, considered among most conservative Democrats in the Senate 32.4 cm precipitation at Burlington, Connecticut (state record) 46.1 cm rainfall at Westfield, Massachusetts (state record) Argentine state of siege ends Argentine parliament accepts separation of church and state 28.7 cm rain falls at Lake Maloya New Mexico (state record) Austrian state treaty signed making Austria independent again John Hutton, born in Westcliff-on-Sea, England, politician, Labor Member of Parliament for Secretary of State for Defence 20.33" (51.64 cm) of rainfall, Axis, Alabama (state record) Russia ends state of war with Germany U.S.S.R. ends state of war with German Federal Republic 1954 Event Egyptian President Naguib fired/state of emergency declared 1954 Birthday Kip Byrne, born in Detroit, Michigan, Canadian Tour golfer, Michigan State Jr. 1970, 1971 20.4 cm rainfall at Brunswick, Maine (state record) Archie Griffin, NFL runningback, won 2 Heisman Trophies, Ohio State 110 degrees F (43 degrees C) at Balcony Falls, Virginia (state record) 117 degrees F (47 degrees C), East St. Louis, Illinois (state record) 118 degrees F (48 degrees C), Warsaw and Union, Missouri (state record) 111 degrees F (44 degrees C) at Camden, South Carolina (state record) 122 degrees F (50 degrees C), Overton, Nevada (state record until June 29, 1994) Michael O'Brien, born in Worcester, England, Mike O'Brien, politician, Labor Party, since 1992, serves as Member of Parliament for North Warwickshire, served as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Home Affairs, became Minister of State for Health Services, 2009 1954 Death Clemens Krauss, Austrian conductor (Vienna State Opera), dies at 61 -70 degrees F (-57 degrees C), Rogers Pass, Montana (U.S. 48 state record) 1953 Birthday World B Free, NBA guard, Cleveland Cavaliers, Golden State Warriors John Lucas, Durham, North Carolina, NBA guard, Houston, Golden State, Milwaukee Gus Williams, NBA guard, Golden State, Seattle, Washington 1953 Event Indian state of Andhra Pradesh partitioned from Madras John Denham, born in Seaton, England, John Yorke Denham, politician, Labor Party, Member of Parliament for Southampton Itchen, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, served, then resigned as, Minister of State at the Home Office in 2003, over the Iraq War David Maclean, British minister of state Dr. A de Waal appointed as Netherlands 1st female Assistant Secretary of State John Foster Dulles appointed as Secretary of State 1952 Event 112 degrees F (44 degrees C), Louisville, Georgia (state record) 1952 Birthday Robert Ainsworth, born in Coventry, England, Robert William Ainsworth, politician, Labor Party, 2009, assumed roles of Secretary of State for Defense, since 1992, serves as a Member of Parliament for Coventry North East Gordon Smith, born in Pendleton, Oregon, politician, Republican, U.S. Senator from Oregon 1997 - 2009, President of the Oregon State Senate 1995 - 1997 1952 Death Jules Poncelet, Belgian minister of State, dies at 82 1951 Event President Harry S Truman formally ends state of war with Germany Netherlands ends state of war with Germany President Truman asked Congress to formally end state of war with Germany Mississippi Valley State University founded 1951 Birthday Yvonne MCT van Rooy, Dutch Secretary of State Secretary, CDA Bonnie Lauer, born in America, professional golfer, won National Collegiate Championship playing for Michigan State University, won 2 LPGA Tours, served as 1988 LPGA President 1951 Death Henri Velge, 1st chairman (Belgian Council of State), dies at 65 -35 degrees F (-37 degrees C), Greensburg, Indiana (state record until 1994) -50 degrees F (-46 degrees C), Gavilan, New Mexico (state record) 1950 Event Truman proclaims state of emergency against "Communist imperialism" 16th Heisman Trophy Award: Vic Janowicz, Ohio State (HB) 98.3 cm rainfall at Yankeetown, Florida (state record) 1950 Birthday Alan Keyes, born in Long Island, New York, politician, Republican party, 16th Assistant Secretary of State for international Organization Affairs 13.15" (33.40 cm) of rainfall, York, Nebraska (state 24-hour record) 33.4 cm rain fall at York, Nebraska (state record) 1950 Death Othmar Spann, Austrian economist/sociologist (Wahre State), dies at 71 John F. Dulles becomes advisor to U.S. Secretary of State Acheson Senator Joseph McCarthy charges State Department infested with 205 communists NY jury finds former State Department official Alger Hiss guilty of perjury 1949 Event Netherland recognizes Indonesia as a sovereign state 1949 Death Laszlo Rajk, Hungarian Secretary of State/Foreign minister, hanged Laos becomes associated state within French Union State of Vietnam forms, Bao Dai installed as Emperor Bolivian state of siege proclaimed 11th NCAA Men's Basketball Champion: Kentucky beats Oklahoma State 46-36 1948 Event U.S. State Department announces work on placing objects into Earth orbit Greek government disbands due to state of war, press censorship State of Eire, formerly Irish Free State, declares its independence Former state department official Alger Hiss indicted in New York City for perjury California Supreme Court voids state statue banning interracial marriages 1948 Birthday Virginia Bottomley, British minister of state health Elliott Abrams, Assistant Secretary of state/supplied arms to the Contras U.S. Supreme Court decision (Sipuel vs. Oklahoma State Board of Regents) 1947 Event Secretary of State George C. Marshall outlines Marshall Plan 1947 Birthday John Reid, born in Lanarkshire, Scotland, politician, Member of Parliament for Airdrie and Shotts, public service includes Secretary of State for Scotland, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Colin Sanders, British computer engineer, Solid State Logic General George Marshall becomes Secretary of State 1946 Event Belgian Council of State forms West German state of Niedersachsen formed 11.72" (29.77 cm) of rainfall at Mellen Wisconsin (state 24-hour record) 1946 Birthday Malcolm Rifkind, British QC MP, Secretary of State for Defense Richard L Brodsky, U.S. lawyer/NY State Assemblyman, D, 1983- 8th NCAA Men's Basketball Championship: Oklahoma State beats North Carolina 43-40 Clare Short, born in Birmingham, England, politician, left wing, Secretary of State for Internal Development, supports legislating cannabis, critical of Israel Cambodia becomes autonomous state inside French Union 1945 Event H Lindsay and R Crouse's "State of the Union," premieres in New York City 1945 Birthday Kathleen Brown, state treasurer, D-Calif, 1991- Airplane crashes into the Empire State Building U.S. Army B-25 crashes into 79th floor of Empire State Building, 14 die 20.6 cm rainfall at Litchville North Dakota (state record) Lord Fraser of Carmyllie, Minister of State, Scotland 7th NCAA Men's Basketball Championship: Oklahoma State beats NYU 49-44 Tim Yeo, British MP/under-sect, State of Environment Nazi occupiers begin state of siege 1944 Event 10th Heisman Trophy Award: Les Horvath, Ohio State (quarterback) 1944 Birthday Quentin Davies, born in Oxford, England, Member of Parliament for Grantham and Stamford 1987 - 1997, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Defense under Prime Minister, Gordon Brown Rick Barry, ABA/NBA forward, New York Nets, Golden State Warriors Berend baron van Voorst tot Voorst, Dutch foreign state sect, CDA 1943 Birthday Peter Lilley, MP/sect of state for British social security 1943 Event 120 degrees F (49 degrees C), Tishmoningo, Oklahoma (state record) -32 degrees F (-36 degrees C), Falls Village, Connecticut (state record) 66.34 cm (26.12"), Hoegees Camp, California (state record) 66.3 cm precipitation at Hoegees Camp, California (state record) -60 degrees F (-51 degrees C), Island Park Dam, Idaho (state record) 1942 Birthday Mario Savio, born in New York, New York, activist, member of Berkeley Free Speech Movement, Sproul Plaza steps named Mario Savio Steps, taught mathematics, philosophy, logic at Sonoma State University Michiel Patijn, Dutch Assistant Secretary of State of Foreign affairs, 1994- 1942 Event 1st legal New Jersey horse race in 50 years; Garden State Park track opens Estimated 34.5" (87.5 cm) of rainfall, Smethport, Pennsylvania (state record) David Hunt, Wales Secretary of State David Ben-Gurion leaves Jewish state in Palestine Dick K J Tommel, chemist, Dutch Assistant Secretary of State, 1994- Colin Sanders, founder, Solid State Logic -23 degrees F (-31 degrees C), Kingston, Rhode Island (state record) 1941 Event State of siege goes into effect in Bohemia/Moravia 12.59" (31.98 cm) rainfall, Burlington Kansas (state 24-hour record) Franklin D. Roosevelt declares state of emergency due to Germany's sinking of Robin Moor 3rd NCAA Men's Basketball Champion: Wisconsin beats Washington State 39-34 1940 Event 39.4 CM rainfall at Sapulpa Oklahoma (state record) German occupiers disband Dutch States-General/Council of State Dutch-Indies Governor Van Starkenborch proclaims end to state of siege Dutch prime minister De Geer declares state of siege 1940 Birthday Jan Schaefer, Dutch Assistant Secretary of state, PvdA -17 degrees F (-27 degrees C), CCC Camp F-16, Georgia (state record) 1939 Event Dutch 2nd Chamber affirms Netherlands in a State of War 1939 Birthday Charles Wardle, MP/under sect of state British home office 37.6 cm rainfall at Tuckerton, New Jersey (state record) 1st NCAA Men's Basketball Champion: University of Oregon beats OH State 46-33 Lithuania state, forced to give Memel territory to Germany 1938 Death Emile Vandervelde, Belgian Secretary of State (BWP), dies at 72 1938 Event 119 degrees F (48 degrees C), Pendleton, Oregon (state record) Dutch writer Maurits Dekker sentenced to 50 days for "offending a friendly head of state" (Hitler) Austria becomes a state of Germany 1937 Event 2nd Irish constitution goes into effect; Irish Free State renamed Erie Ireland adopts constitution (Irish Free State becomes Eire) Franklin D. Roosevelt visits Grand Coulee Dam construction site in Washington State 1937 Birthday Baroness Blatch, British minister of state for Education 117 degrees F (47 degrees C), Medicine Lake, Montana (state record) Colin Powell, born in Bronx, New York, general and Secretary of State 1st state contraceptive clinic opens (Raleigh North Carolina) Paul Bailey, born in England, novelist, George Orewell prize-winner, lecturer at North Dakota State University, writer in residence, Kingston University, wrote At The Jerusalem, radio and television plays, and non-fiction books -45 degrees F (-43 degrees C), Boca, California (state record) -50 degrees F (-45.6 degrees C), San Jacinto, Nevada (state record) Only unicameral state legislature in U.S. opens 1st session (Nebr) 1936 Event Generalissimo Francisco Franco establishes state of Spain 120 degrees F (49 degrees C), Seymour, Texas (state record) 114 degrees F (46 degrees C) at Plain Dealing, Louisiana (state record) 120 degrees F (49 degrees C) at Ozark, Arkansas (state record) 118 degrees F (48 degrees C), Minden, Nebraska (state record) 121 degrees F (49 degrees C), near Alton, Kansas (state record) 116 degrees F (47 degrees C), Collegeville, Indiana (state record) 112 degrees F (44 degrees C), Mio, Michigan (state record) 114 degrees F (46 degrees C), Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin (state record) 109 degrees F (43 degrees C) Cumberland and Frederick, Maryland (state record) 110 degrees F (43 degrees C) at Runyon, New Jersey (state record 111 degrees F (44 degrees C) Phoenixville, Pennsylvania (state record) 112 degrees F (44 degrees C) at Martinsburg, West Virginia (state record 114 degrees F (46 degrees C), Moorhead, Minnesota (state record) 121 degrees F (49 degrees C), Steele, North Dakota (state record) 120 degrees F (49 degrees C), Gannvalley, South Dakota (state record) Empire State Building emanates high definition TV-343 lines -58 degrees F (-50 degrees C), McIntosh, South Dakota (state record) -60 degrees F (-51 degrees C), Parshall, North Dakota (state record) 1935 Birthday Peter Schreier, Meissen Germany, tenor, Dresden State Opera 1961 1935 Event 12.0" (30.5 cm) of rain falls, Quinault RS, Washington (state record) 1934 Event 118 degrees F (48 degrees C), Orofino, Idaho (state record) 113 degrees F (45 degrees C), near Gallipolis, Ohio (state record) 118 degrees F (48 degrees C), Keokuk, Iowa (state record) 116 degrees F (47 degrees C), Orogrande New Mexico (state record, broken on June 27, 1994) Water state kingdom dismisses NSB-leader Anton Mussert Heinrich Himmler becomes inspector Prussian secret state police 1934 Birthday Roger Nicholas Edwards, born in England, born Roger Nicholas Edwards, Lord Crickhowell, Baron Crickhowell, politician, Conservative Party, Member of Parliament for Pembrokeshire, Secretary of State for Wales 1st high school auto driving course offered (State College, Penn) -51 degrees F (-46 degrees C), Vanderbilt, Michigan (state record) 1st state liquor stores open, in Pennsylvania 1933 Event -50 degrees F (-46 degrees C) in Bloomfield, Vermont (state record) 1st state liquor stores authorized (Pennsylvania) 1st state poorhouse opens in Smyrna, Georgia Vatican state secretary Pacelli (Pius XII) signs accord with Hitler German Secret State Police, Gestapo, established Nevada becomes 1st U.S. state to regulate narcotics -54 degrees F (-48 degrees C), Seneca, Oregon (state record) -63 degrees F (-53 degrees C), Moran, Wyoming (state record) 1933 Birthday Charles Johnson, born in Tacoma, Washington, born Charles W. Johnson, Justice Johnson, judge, Associate Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court of the State of Washington -23 degrees F (-31 degrees C), Seminole, Texas (state record) 1932 Birthday Gundaris Pone, born in Riga, Latvia, composer, professor, State University College at New Paltz, New York 1932 Event 30.8 cm rainfall at Westerly, Rhode Island (state record) Timothy Sainsbury, British minister of state Timothy Renton, born in England, born Ronald Timothy Renton, Baron Renton of Mount Harry, politician, Conservative Party, Minister of State, Margaret Thatcher's Chief Whip, Member of Parliament for Mid-Sussex John Nott, born in Bideford, Devon, Sir John William Frederic Nott, Conservative Party, served as Secretary of State for Defense 1981 - 1983, was Member of Parliament for St. Ives in Cornwall 1966 - 1983 1st U.S. state unemployment insurance act enacted (Wisconsin) State of siege proclaimed in Honduras 1931 Event Spanish Cortes agrees to separation of Church and State Blimp is moored to Empire State Building (New York City) 109 degrees F (43 degrees C), Monticello, Florida (state record) 1931 Birthday Gennadi Rozhdestvensky, born in Moscow, Russia, conductor, U.S.S.R. State Radio Empire State Building opens in New York City 100 degrees F (38 degrees C), Pahala, Hawaii (state record) Arkansas legislature passes motion to pray for soul of H L Mencken after he calls state "apex of moronia" 1930 Event 113 degrees F (45 degrees C) at Perryville, Tennessee (state record) 1930 Birthday Jerry Tarkanian, basketball coach, California State, UNLV, 625-122 115 degrees F (46 degrees C), Holly Springs, Mississippi (state record) 114 degrees F (46 degrees C), Greensburg, Kentucky (state record) 110 degrees F (43 degrees C) at Millsboro, Delaware (state record) Carlos Kleiber, Berlin Germany, conductor, Bavarian State Orchestra 1968 James Baker III, Houston, Secretary of Treasury, 1985 - 1988, Secretary of State, 1989 - 1992 Fire at Ohio State Penitentiary kills 322 -35 degrees F (-37 degrees C), Mount Carroll, Illinois (state record) -27 degrees F (-33 degrees C), Watts, Oklahoma (state record) 1929 Event Chicago Cardinals become 1st NFL team to train out of state (Michigan) 1929 Birthday Earl Ferrers, British minister of state, Department of Environment Vatican City becomes a sovereign state Ho Dam, North Korean Secretary of State, 1970 - 1983 1928 Birthday Leonie Rysanek, dramatic soprano, Vienna Munich State Opera 1952-54 Ernest L Boyer, educator/chancellor, NY's State Universities-SUNY John Keith Wright, English economist and Assistant Secretary of State, 1971 - 1984 1928 Event Turkey passes separation of church and state Christa Ludwig, born in Berlin, Germany, soprano, Vienna State Opera 1927 Birthday Teresa Stich-Randall, U.S. soprano, Vienna State Opera 1927 Event 22.3 cm rainfall at Somerset, Vermont (state record) 1927 Death Kevin O'Higgins, Irish Free State Vice President, assassinated Princess Juliana gets seat in Dutch Council of State 1926 Event Lithuanian military state under General Augustine Woldemaras Bradman plays his 1st State selection trial He only made 37 105 degrees F (41 degrees C), Waterbury, Connecticut (state record) 108 degrees F (42 degrees C), Troy, New York (state record) German Special Court of Justice for state security disbands 1926 Birthday Ray McAnally, born in Ireland, actor, My Left Foot, Empire State, Sicilian 1925 Death Daniel Josephus Jitta, lawyer/Dutch state advisor, dies at 71 1925 Event 112 F (44 degrees C), Centerville, Alabama (state record) Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs created in U.K. 1st transmission of Danish state radio Tennessee becomes 1st state to outlaw teaching theory of evolution State of emergency crisis in Bayern ends, NSDAP re-allowed -46 degrees F (-43 degrees C), Pittsburgh, New Hampshire (state record) -48 degrees F (-44 degrees C), Van Buren, Maine (state record) Franc B. Kellogg replaces Charles Hughes on as U.S. Secretary of State 1st all-female U.S. state supreme court appointed, Texas 1924 Birthday Joe Paterno, football coach, Penn State, SI Sportsman of 1986 Alexander Haig, Pennsylvania, U.S. Secretary of State, 1981 - 1982, General 1924 Event Forest Peters of Montana State University hits 17 of 22 attempted field goals Jewel Plummer Cobb, educator/president, California State University at Fullerton 1923 Event Turkey declares independence (successor state to Ottoman Empire) Irish Free state joins League of Nations Eamon de Valera arrested in Irish Free State New York State Golf Association formed 1923 Birthday Mary Jane Odell, Iowa, Secretary of State Queen Wilhelmina and Prince Henry for state visit to London Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State, 1973 - 1977, Nobel Peace Prize, 1973 New York state revokes Prohibition law Swedish king Gustaaf V begins state visit to Netherlands 1922 Event 1st constitution of Irish Free State comes into operation Polish state chief marshal Jozef Pilsudski, resigns King George V proclaims Irish Free state Irish Parliament adopts a constitution for an Irish Free State State of siege proclaimed during mine strike Johannesburg, South Africa 1922 Birthday Bernard Kalb, spokesman, State Department, actor, Dave -54 degrees F (-48 degrees C), Danbury, Wisconsin (state record) Irish Free State forms; Michael Collins becomes 1st premier 1921 Birthday Roger Nixon, born in California, musician, composer, professor of music, composed for orchestra, band, choir, opera, Professor Emeritus of Music, San Francisco State University 1921 Event 11.5" (29.2 cm) of rainfall, Circle, Montana (state record) West Virginia imposes 1st state sales tax Iowa imposed 1st state cigarette tax 1920 Birthday George P Schultz, U.S. Secretary of State, 1982 - 1989 1919 Event Oregon is 1st state to tax gasoline (1 cent per gallon) Secretary of state proclaims 18th amendment, prohibition Spartacus uprising in Berlin: state of siege 1918 Event Iceland becomes independent state under Danish crown 1918 Birthday Claiborne Pell, born in New York, sponsor of the Pell Grant, U.S. State Senator from Rhode Island Slovakia asks for creation of Czechoslovakian state CH Chubb gives Stonehenge to English state Andreas Donner, Dutch state leader Electrical fire kills 38 mental patients at Oklahoma State Hospital Separation of church and state begins in U.S.S.R. Mississippi becomes 1st state to ratify 18th amendment (prohibition) 1917 Event -32 degrees F (-36 degrees C) in Mountain City, Tennessee (state record) -37 degrees F (-38 degrees C) in Lewisburg, WV (state record) New York state allows women to vote Balfour Declaration proclaims support for a Jewish state in Palestine 1917 Birthday Cyrus R. Vance, U.S. Secretary of State, 1977 - 1980 1916 Death Marthinus T Steyn, President of Orange-Free state (1896-1902), dies at 59 1916 Event 22.22" (56.4 cm) of rain falls in Altapass North Carolina (state record) 33.6 cm rainfall at Effingham South Carolina (state record) 1st federal grant-in-aid for state roads enacted 1916 Birthday A. P. W. Botha, Orange Free State, president of South Africa 1st football game in Rose Bowl, Washington State vs. Brown 1915 Event 10.17" (25.83 cm) of rainfall, Glenora, Oregon (state record) 100 degrees F (38 degrees C), Fort Yukon Alaska (state record) William Jennings Bryan quits as Secretary of State 1914 Event U.S. State Department starts requiring photographs for passports 1914 Birthday Robert J. Morris, born in Jersey City, New Jersey, lawyer, served New York State Assembly committee investigating Communist activities, credited for efforts attributed to Senator Joseph McCarthy 24.8 cm rainfall at Bloomingdale, Michigan, state record Edmund Muskie, born in Rumford, Maine, Governor of Maine 1955 - 1959, Senator-D-Maine 1959 - 1980, U.S. Secretary of State 1980 - 1981 Pennsylvania State Board of [motion picture] censors appointed 1913 Birthday William P. Rogers, born in Norfolk, New York, U.S. Secretary of State, 1969 - 1973 1913 Event 1st state law requiring bonding of officers and state employees, ND 1912 Event Tennessee University opened as Tennessee A and L State College 1912 Birthday Alice Faye, Ann Leppert, New York City, actress, Barricade, State Fair Arizona was admitted to the Union as the 48th state -40 degrees F (-40 degrees C), Oakland, Maryland (state record) -47 degrees F (-44 degrees C), Washta, Iowa (state record) New Mexico becomes 47th state 1911 Event 45.7 cm rainfall at St. George, Georgia (state record) 105 degrees F (41 degrees C) at North Bridgton, Maine (state record) 105 degrees F (41 degrees C) at Vernon, Vermont (state record) 106 degrees F (41 degrees C) at Nashua, New Hampshire (state record) 1911 Death Charles Wentworth Dilke, English undersecretary of State, dies at 67 1910 Birthday Rod Cameron, Calgary Alberta, actor, City Detective, State Trooper 1910 Event 1st Washington State election in which women could vote Berkshire Cattle Fair held in Pittsfield Mass (1st state fair) Mann Act passed (no women across state lines for immoral purposes) 1909 Birthday George Ball, Iowa, lawyer/undersecretary of state 1909 Event 7.17" (18.2 cm) of rainfall, Rattlesnake Creek, Idaho (state rec) Harry B. Helmsley, born in New York City, billionaire builder, Empire State Building Dean Rusk, U.S. Secretary of State, 1961 - 1969 1908 Birthday Helen Twelvetrees, actress, State's Attorney, Painted Desert 1908 Event Belgium annexes Congo Free State Congo Free State becomes Belgian Congo 1907 Birthday Ray C Bliss, R, Ohio State Republican Chairman 1907 Event Oklahoma becomes 46th state 18.8 cm precipitation at Lewer's Ranch, Nevada (state record) Grace Hamilton, 1st black member of Georgia state legislature 1906 Event State of siege proclaimed in Zululand Natal proclaims state of siege in Zulu uprising Pope encyclical against separation of church and state 1905 Event French Assembly National votes for separation of church and state 26.7 cm rainfall at Princeton, Indiana (state record) 127 degrees F (53 degrees C), Parker Ariz (state record) -29 degrees F (-34 degrees C) Pond, Arkansas (state record) -40 degrees F (-40 degrees C) Lebanon, Kansas (state record) -40 degrees F (-40 degrees C) Warsaw, Missouri (state record) 1904 Birthday Alger Hiss, State Department official hid papers in a pumpkin 1904 Death William GGVV Harcourt, historian/English Secretary of State, dies at 76 John Antill, born in Sydney, Australia, composer, studied under Alfred Hill, played in NSW State Orchestra, Sydney Symphony, famous for ballet suite Corroboree 1904 Event -34 degrees F (-36.7 degrees C), River Vale, New Jersey (state record) -42 degrees F (-41.1 degrees C), Smethport, Pennsylvania (state record) 1903 Event 6th Zionist Congres, Theodor Herzl declares Jewish state 1903 Birthday August Cool, Belgian union leader/minister of state North Carolina becomes 1st state requiring registration of nurses Cuban state of Guantanamo leased to USA -59 degrees F (-51 degrees C), Pokegama Dam, Minnesota (state record) 1902 Event Dutch State Mine law forms 27.9 cm precipitation at McMinnville, Tennessee (state record) 1901 Event Battle at Tweefontein Orange-Free state: Boers surprise attack Brits New York becomes 1st state requiring auto license plates ($1 fee) 1900 Event 20.3 cm rainfall at Elk Point, South Dakota (state record) 114 degrees F (46 degrees C), Basin, Wyoming (state record) Britain annexes Orange Free State (as Orange River Colony) Britain annexes Orange Free State British troops occupy Bloemfontein, Orange-Free state President Steyn of Orange-Free state flees from Bloemfontein 1899 Event Orange Free state mobilizes 1899 Birthday Milton S Eisenhower, Dwight's brother/president, Pennsylvania State -16 degrees F (-27 degrees C), Minden Louisiana (state record) -2 degrees F (-19 degrees C) Tallahassee, Florida (state record) -47 degrees F (-44 degrees C), Camp Clarke, Nebraska (state record) -39 degrees F (-39 degrees C), Milligan, Ohio (state lowest record temperature) 1897 Event 14.75" (37.5 cm) of rainfall, Jewell, Maryland (state 24-hhourr record) 37.5 cm rainfall at Jewell, Maryland (state record) M H Cannon becomes 1st woman state senator in U.S. (Utah) 1896 Event Herzl's "The Jewish State" is published Following Mormon abandonment of polygamy, Utah admitted as 45th state 1895 Event U.S. state Utah accepts female suffrage 1894 Event New York passes 1st state dog license law 1893 Event 1st state anti-lynching statue approved, in Georgia State Colorado accept female suffrage 1893 Birthday Dean Acheson, statesman and U.S. Secretary of State, 1949 - 1953 Clemens Krauss, born in Vienna, Austria, conductor, Berlin State Orchestra 1937 New Mexico State University cancels it's 1st graduation ceremony, its only graduate Sam Steele was robbed and killed the night before -17 degrees F (-27 degrees C), Millsboro, Delaware (state record) 1892 Event New York State unveils automatic ballot booth (voting machine) 1891 Birthday Fay Bainter, born in Los Angeles, California, actress, Jezebel, Our Town, State Fair 1891 Event "Empire State Express" train goes from New York City to East Buffalo, a distance of 436 miles, in a record 7H6M 1890 Event Wyoming becomes 44th state of U.S., 1st with female suffrage Idaho admitted as 43rd U.S. state 1st U.S. state naval militia organized (Massachusetts) 1889 Event Washington admitted as 42nd state Montana admitted as 41st state North Dakota becomes 39th and South Dakota becomes 40th state Washington voters adopt state constitution in referendum Washington state constitutional convention holds 1st meeting 1889 Birthday Howard Lindsay, born in Waterford, New York, playwright, actor and director, State of Union President Cleveland signs bill to admit Dakotas, Montana and Washington state 1888 Event 118 degrees F (48 degrees C), Bennett, Colorado (state record) 1888 Birthday John Foster Dulles, U.S. Secretary of State, 1953 - 1959 1887 Event Racetrack betting becomes legal in New York state Oregon becomes 1st U.S. state to make Labor Day a holiday 1886 Event President Cleveland declares a state of emergency in Seattle because of anti-Chinese violence 1885 Birthday Henri Velge, 1st chairman, Belgian Council of State 1885 Event Congo Free State forms by King Leopold II of Belgium 1st U.S. state (California) establishes a permanent forest commission 1884 Event Netherlands recognizes king Leopold II's Congo Free State Austria-Hungary admits King Leopold II's Congo Free State Italy recognizes King Leopold II's Congo Free State Great Britain recognizes King Leopold II's Congo Free State 1884 Birthday Rose Schneiderman, New York state department of labor sect, 1937-44 German government recognizes King Leopold II's Congo Free State U.S. recognizes King Leopold II's Congo Free State Mississippi establishes 1st U.S. state college for women 1883 Event Alabama becomes 1st U.S. state to enact an antitrust law 1st state labor union legislation; New Jersey legalizes unions 1881 Event California becomes 1st state to pass plant quarantine legislation Kansas becomes 1st state to prohibit all alcoholic beverages 1880 Birthday William T. Cosgrave, president Irish Free state 1879 Event Treaty of Gandamak to set up Afghan state between Russia and English 1876 Death Giacomo Antonelli, Secretary of State of Pius IX, dies at 70 1876 Event Prairie View State University forms Colorado becomes 38th state 1875 Birthday Michael I Kalinin, Russian metal worker/head of state 1873 Event 19 students attend opening class at Ohio State University 1873 Birthday Freiherr Konstantin von Neurath, German Secretary of State, 1932 - 1938 1872 Event Morgan State University founded Illinois becomes 1st state to require sexual equality in employment 1st state bird refuge authorized (Lake Merritt, California) Francis L Cardoza elected State Treasurer of South Carolina 1871 Birthday Cordell Hull, U.S. Secretary of State, 1933 - 1944, lowered tariffs, Nobel 1945 1870 Event Governor Holden of North Carolina declares Casswell County in a state of insurrection Texas becomes last confederate state readmitted to Union Mississippi becomes 9th state readmitted to U.S. after Civil War Virginia becomes 8th state readmitted to U.S. after Civil War 1869 Birthday Jules Poncelet, Belgian minister of State 1868 Death B F Randolph, South Carolina state senator, assassinated 1868 Event 1st black cabinet member in South Carolina (Francis L Cardozo-sect of state) 1867 Event Blacks vote for 1st time in a state election in South Michigan becomes 1st state to tax property to support a university Most of Nebraska becomes 37th U.S. state (expanded later) Nebraska becomes 37th U.S. state 1866 Event Tennessee becomes 1st Confederate state readmitted to Union 1864 Event Nevada admitted as 36th state New York becomes 1st state to charge a hunting license fee 1863 Event West Virginia admitted as 35th U.S. state 1863 Birthday Georg Adler, German state economist President Davis delivers his "State of Confederacy" address 1862 Event Land Grant Act endows state colleges with federal land Lincoln signs act granting land for state agricultural colleges 1861 Event Lexington Kentucky - Union military camp forms in neutral state Confederate state's congress began holding sessions in Richmond, Virginia Lincoln writes to Kentucky's militia and says Union troops will not enter that state Tennessee becomes 11th (& last) state to secede from US Missouri Governor Claiborne Jackson calls for 50,000 volunteers to stop Federates from taking over his state Union troops march on state militia in St. Louis, Missouri Arkansas and Tennessee becomes 9th and 10th state to secede from US Virginia is 8th state to secede By popular referendum, Texas becomes 7th state to secede from U.S. State troops seize U.S. munitions in Napoleon, Arkansas U.S. House unanimously passes resolution guaranteeing noninterference with slavery in any state Texas becomes 7th state to secede State of Louisiana takes over U.S. Mint at New Orleans Kansas becomes 34th state Louisiana becomes 6th state to secede Georgia becomes 5th state to secede Alabama becomes 4th state to secede Florida becomes 3rd state to secede from US Ft. Jackson and Ft. Philip are taken over by LA state troops Mississippi becomes 2nd state to secede 1860 Event South Carolina votes 169-0 for Ordinace of Secession, 1st state to secede 1860 Death John Ackersdijk, Dutch state house builder, dies at 69 1859 Event Oregon admitted as 33rd state 1858 Event Minnesota admitted as 32nd U.S. state 1858 Birthday Matthew Ricketts, 1st Black man elected to Neb State Legislature 1857 Birthday Marthinus T Steyn, President of Orange-Free state, 1896-1902 1857 Event San Jose State University forms 1856 Birthday Frank Kellogg, Secretary of State, 1925 - 1929, try to outlaw war, Nobel 1929 1856 Event Georgia becomes 1st state to regulate railroads 1854 Event Abraham Lincoln made his 1st political speech at Illinois State Fair 1st Republican state convention in Ripon, Wisconsin Great Britain and Orange Free state sign Convention of Bloemfontein British recognize independence of Orange Free State (South Africa) 1852 Event State funeral of duke of Wellington (London) 1851 Birthday Waldemar Brogger, Norway, geologist/mineralogist, Metamict State 1850 Event California becomes 31st state 1849 Event California State Constitutional Convention convenes in Monterey 1848 Event Wisconsin becomes 30th state State of siege proclaimed in Amsterdam 1847 Event New York State creates a Board of Commissioners of Emigration George B. Vashon becomes 1st black to enter New York State Bar Michigan becomes 1st English-speaking jurisdiction to abolish the death penalty (except for treason against the state) State University of Iowa is approved Michigan is 1st state to abolish capital punishment 1846 Event Iowa becomes 29th state U.S. state Michigan ends death penalty Texas state government formally installed in Austin 1845 Event Texas admitted as 28th state Texas ratifies a state constitution Florida becomes 27th state 1845 Birthday Elihu Root, R, U.S. Secretary of State, 1905 - 1909, Nobel Peace Prize, 1912 1844 Death Charles Bulfinch, 1st U.S. pro architect (Mass State House), dies at 80 Abel P Upshur, Secretary of State, dies in explosion on USS Princeton 1843 Event Mount Rainier in Washington State erupts 1841 Event Alabama becomes 1st state to license dental surgeons 1839 Event 1st state normal school in U.S. opens, Lexington, Massachusetts, with 3 students 1838 Event Tennessee becomes 1st state to prohibit alcohol 1837 Event Michigan admitted as 26th U.S. state 1836 Death Stephen Fuller Austin, founder of state of Texas, dies at 43 1836 Event Arkansas becomes 25th state 1831 Event State Gran Colombia disbands 1828 Event Philadelphia and Columbia Railway (1st state owned) authorized 1823 Event Georgia passes 1st U.S. state birth registration law 1821 Event Missouri admitted as 24th U.S. state 1820 Event Maine admitted as 23rd state 1819 Event Alabama admitted to Union as 22nd state 1818 Event Illinois becomes 21st state USA (Admission day) Russia's Czar Alexander I petitions for a Jewish state in Palestine 1817 Event Mississippi admitted as 20th state John Quincy Adams becomes Secretary of State 1816 Event Indiana becomes 19th state U.S. Supreme Court affirms its right to review state court decisions 1813 Event Gideon Hawley becomes 1st state school superintendent in U.S. (NY) 1812 Event Eastern Louisiana admitted as 18th U.S. state 1810 Birthday Robert Augustus Toombs, Secretary State, Confederacy 1810 Event Illinois passes 1st state vaccination legislation in U.S. 1809 Birthday Robert Mercer Taliaferro Hunter, Secretary State, Confederacy 1809 Event Supreme Court rules federal government power greater than any state 1806 Birthday Giacomo Antonelli, Italian cardinal and assistant sec of state for Pius IX 1804 Event New Jersey becomes last northern state to abolish slavery 1803 Event Ohio becomes 17th state 1801 Birthday William Henry Seward, Secretary of State, 1861 - 1869, buys Alaska at 2 cents per acre 1801 Event Massachusetts enacts 1st state voter registration law 1799 Event New York State abolished slavery 1798 Event Kentucky becomes 1st state to nullify an act of Congress 1796 Birthday John Middleton Clayton, Delaware, Sen-Del, U.S. Secretary of State, 1849 - 1850 1796 Event U.S. State Department issues 1st American passport Tennessee admitted as 16th U.S. state 1795 Event 1st state appropriation of money for road building, Kentucky Hedges Treaty: Bataafse Republic becomes French vassel state 1st state university in U.S. opens, University of North Carolina 1793 Event 1st state road authorized, Frankfort, Kentucky to Cincinnati 1792 Event Kentucky admitted as 15th U.S. state 1791 Event Vermont admitted as 14th state (1st addition to the 13 colonies) 1790 Event U.S. passes Assumption bill making U.S. responsible for state debts Thomas Jefferson becomes the 1st U.S. Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson reports to President Washington in New York as Secretary of State George Washington delivers 1st state of union address President Washington delivers 1st State of the Union address 1789 Event North Carolina ratifies constitution, becomes 12th U.S. state New Jersey is 1st state to ratify Bill of Rights Jefferson appointed 1st Secretary of State; John Jay 1st chief justice; Department of Foreign Affairs, renamed Department of State Congress establishes Department of Foreign Affairs, State Department 1788 Event New York becomes 11th state to ratify constitution Virginia becomes 10th state to ratify U.S. constitution South Carolina becomes 8th state to ratify U.S. constitution Maryland becomes 7th state to ratify constitution Massachusetts becomes 6th state to ratify constitution Connecticut becomes 5th state Georgia is 4th state to ratify U.S. constitution 1787 Event New Jersey becomes 3rd state to ratify constitution Pennsylvania becomes 2nd state to ratify U.S. constitution Delaware becomes 1st state to ratify constitution Congress sends Constitution to state legislatures for their approval 1785 Event 1st U.S. state university chartered, Athens Georgia 1784 Event John Jay becomes 1st U.S. Secretary of State Eastern Tennessee settlers declare their area an independent state and name it Franklin; a year later the Continental Congress rejects it 1784 Birthday George HG earl of Aberdeen, English Secretary of State 1781 Event Articles of Confederation ratified by 13th state, Maryland 1780 Event Pennsylvania becomes 1st U.S. state to abolish slavery (for new-borns only) 1778 Event Captain Cook sights Cape Flattery, in Washington state Articles of Confederation ratified by 1st state, South Carolina 1777 Event Vermont becomes 1st state abolishing slavery, adopts male suffrage New York adopts new constitution as an independent state New York adopts new constitution as an independent state Georgia becomes 1st U.S. state to abolish both entail and primogeniture 1776 Event Virginia state constitution adopted and Patrick Henry made governor Assembly of New Hampshire adopts its 1st state constitution 1775 Event Turkish state of Bukovina secedes from Austria 1769 Event Daniel Boone begins exploring Bluegrass State of Kentucky 1763 Birthday Charles Bulfinch, born in Boston, Massachusetts, 1st U.S. pro architect, Mass State House 1755 Event Henry Fox appointed English Secretary of State 1749 Event Empress Maria Theresa signs "Haugwitzschen State reform" 1747 Event Dutch State of Zealand declare governorship hereditary for women 1736 Birthday Laurens P van de Spiegel, Dutch regent and secretary of State 1787 - 1795 1731 Event All Hebrew books in Papal State are confiscated 1719 Death Joseph Addison, English poet, writer, and secretary of state, dies at 47 1710 Event Czar Peter the Great sets 1st Russian state budget 1696 Event State of Drenthe accredits Willem III as mayor 1667 Event State of Holland obtain Eternal Edict 1657 Event 1st autopsy and coroner's jury verdict is recorded in state of Maryland 1617 Death Carlo Concino, French marquis of Ancre/state advisor, murdered 1600 Birthday Lieuwe van Aitzema, Dutch historian, Matters of State and War 1593 Event State of Holland grants patent on windmill with crankshaft 1590 Death Francis Walsingham, English Secretary of State, dies at about 57 1586 Event Battle at Boxum: Spanish troops under Tassis beat state army 1577 Death Viglius ab Aytta Zuichemus, lawyer/President (Raad van State), dies 1576 Event Dutch Council of State replaced by Council of Beroerten 1555 Event William of Orange becomes member of Council of State 1550 Death Nicolas Perrenot de Granvelle, Charles V's Assistant Secretary of State, dies 1547 Event Charles demands creation of Imperial League (German state) 1535 Event English Catholic Cardinal John Fischer state rights 1509 Event Pope Julius II excommunicates Italian state of Venice 1504 Event English guilds/corp goes under state control 1233 Event Earl Otto II van Gelre grants Arnhem state justice 1230 Event Utrecht bishop Willebrand grants Swells state justice 392 Event Emperor Theodosius declares christian religion, state religion