January 1 Russia appoints 1st Jewish censor to censor Hebrew books January 8 11th Amendment ratified, judicial powers construed January 22 Coup of Midderigh January 30 Rep Matthew Lyon, Vermont spits in face of Rep Roger Griswold,Connecticut, in U.S. House of Representatives, after an argument February 2 Federal St. Theater, Boston, becomes 1st in U.S. destroyed by fire March 4 Catholic women force to do penance for kindling sabbath fire for Jews March 9 Dr. George Balfour becomes 1st naval surgeon in the U.S. navy March 29 Republic of Switzerland forms April 7 Mississippi Territory organized April 23 Dutch emperor accepts new Constitution April 30 Department of Navy forms May 26 British kill about 500 Irish insurgents at the Battle of Tara June 7 Jews of Pesaro Italy fast commemorating murder of Jews June 13 Mission San Luis Rey de Francia founded in California June 25 U.S. passes Alien Act allowing president to deport dangerous aliens July 1 Napoleon's fleet reaches Alexandria Egypt July 6 U.S. law makes aliens "liable to be apprehended, restrained, ... and removed as alien enemies" July 14 1st direct federal tax on states-on dwellings, land and slaves Sedition Act prohibits "false, scandalous and malicious" writing against U.S. government July 16 U.S. Public Health Service forms and U.S. Marine Hospital authorized July 21 Napoleon Bonaparte wins Battle of Pyramids in Egypt July 23 Napoleon captures Alexandria, Egypt August 1 Battle of Abukir on the Nile-Nelson defeats French fleet August 2 British under Admiral Horatio Nelson beat French at Battle of Nile August 27 Battle at Castelbar, Ireland: French army hunts The English September 1 England signs treaty with nizam of Hyderabad, India September 5 New conscription law goes into effect in France September 10 British Honduras beats Spain in battle of St. George October 12 Flemish uprising against French occupied Boerenkrijg Friedrich von Schillers "Wallensteins Lager," premieres in Weimar November 16 Kentucky becomes 1st state to nullify an act of Congress November 27 Rabbi Shneur Zalman, author (Tanya), released from St. Peterburg jail December 4 Rebellious Flemish farmers occupy Hasselt December 5 Government troops occupy Hasselt December 14 David Wilkinson of Rhode Island patents a nut and bolt machine December 17 1st impeachment trial against a U.S. senator (Wm Blount, TN) begins December 24 Russia and England sign Second anti-French Coalition