Jefferson Davis of Mississippi and 4 other southern senators resign
Jefferson Davis History:
October 17, 1978 - President Carter signs bill restoring Jefferson Davis citizenship
December 6, 1889 - Jefferson Davis, President of Confederate States 1861 - 1865, dies at 81
February 15, 1869 - Charges of Treason against Jefferson Davis are dropped
December 3, 1868 - Trial of Jefferson Davis starts; 1st blacks on U.S. trial jury
May 19, 1865 - President Jefferson Davis is captured by Union Cavalry in Georgia
May 10, 1865 - Jefferson Davis captured at Irwinsville, Georgia
May 2, 1865 - President Johnson offers $100,000 reward for capture of Jefferson Davis
April 2, 1865 - CSA President Jefferson Davis flees Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia
January 28, 1865 - President Jefferson Davis names 3 peace commissioners
June 7, 1863 - Battle of Milliken's Bend, Louisiana - Jefferson Davis' home burnt
November 6, 1861 - Jefferson Davis elected to 6 year term as Confederate president
May 6, 1861 - Jefferson Davis approves a bill declaring War between U.S. and Confederacy
March 13, 1861 - Jefferson Davis signs bill authorizing use of slaves as soldiers
February 18, 1861 - Confederate President Jefferson Davis inaugurated at Montgomery Alabama
February 9, 1861 - Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens elected president and Vice President of Confederate States of America
February 4, 1861 - Confederate constitutional convention meets for 1st time in Montgomery, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina elect Jefferson Davis President of Confederacy
June 3, 1808 - Jefferson Davis, born in Kentucky, President of Confederate States of America, 1861 - 1865
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