Fidel Castro History: February 24, 2008 - Fidel Castro resigns as President of Cuba, his brother Raul Castro is unanimously elected September 12, 1978 - Fidel Castro visits Addis Abba April 27, 1963 - Cuban premier Fidel Castro arrives in Moscow November 19, 1962 - Fidel Castro accepts removal of Soviet weapons July 2, 1962 - Fidel Castro visits Moscow January 3, 1962 - Pope John XXIII excommunicates Fidel Castro December 23, 1961 - Fidel Castro announces Cuba will release 1,113 prisoners from failed 1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion for $62M worth of food and medical supplies December 2, 1961 - Fidel Castro declares he's a Marxist, and will lead Cuba to Communism May 1, 1961 - Fidel Castro announces there will be no more elections in Cuba April 30, 1961 - Premier Fidel Castro of Cuba receives Lenin-Peace Prize October 13, 1960 - Opponents of Fidel Castro executed in Cuba September 26, 1960 - Fidel Castro gives a very long speech at the United Nations, 4 hours, 29 minutes July 8, 1960 - Fidel Castro ends Havana's International League team, Sugar Kings move to New Jersey July 1, 1960 - Fidel Castro nationalizes Esso, Shell and Texaco in Cuba February 16, 1959 - Fidel Castro named himself Cuba's premier after overthrowing Batista February 6, 1959 - Fidel Castro is interviewed by Edward R. Murrow January 7, 1959 - U.S. recognizes Fidel Castro's Cuban government May 24, 1958 - President Batista opens offensive against Fidel Castro's rebellion December 2, 1956 - Fidel Castro lands with "Granma" on coast of Cuba August 8, 1955 - Fidel Castro forms "July 26th Movement" August 1, 1953 - Fidel Castro arrested in Cuba July 26, 1953 - Fidel Castro begins rebellion, the "26th of July Movement," against Fulgenico Batista's regime January 22, 1951 - Fidel Castro ejected from a Winter League game after beaning batter August 13, 1926 - Fidel Castro, born in Mayari, Oriente, Cuba, dictator
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